Tag: drones

Image from the application Nana showing the delimitation of a new plot


In Benin, nearly 70% of the population directly or indirectly depends on agriculture. To increase the contribution of the agricultural sector to Benin’s economy, the government has developed a strategic plan that promotes the development of key agricultural value chains among which pineapple. Pineapple is the major fruit crop and […]

UAS Regulations in Benin

The Agence Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ANAC)  regulation governing the use of drones in Benin is composed of two pieces: Décision portant adoption de la réglementation technique relative à l’utilisation des aéronef télépilotés available here Procedure d’Application de la réglementation technique relative à l’utilisation des aéronef télépilotés available here

Dr Abdelaziz Lawani presenting the project at the ICAO Workshop in Accra

Drone Academy: Providing Africa’s drone pilots with the knowledge and skills needed to use drones safely

With decision EX.CL/Dec. 986-1007 (XXXII), the African Union (AU) has established one of the most important incentives for its member states – to use drones to boost Africa’s development and accelerate transformation on the continent. Indeed, drones have been used to solve many development problems in the fields of agriculture, […]

Digital Image Classification: Machine Learning and Drone for Urban Planning

From October 21 to 24, a team of Benin Flying collected aerial images of the town of Dassa. More than 20GB of georeferenced images were collected. They were stitched to produce an orthomosaic map of the town. This map is condensed but contains valuable information that can provide useful insights […]

Test des systèmes de drone pour la cartographie, le suivi écologique et la surveillance des sites de la Réserve de Biosphère Transfrontalière du Delta du Mono (RBT Mono)

Contexte Le projet Réserve de Biosphère Transfrontalière du Delta du Mono (RBT) a pour objectif d’appuyer la gestion et l’utilisation durable des ressources naturelles dans le Bas Mono au Bénin et au Togo. Situé entre le Benin et le Togo sur le delta du fleuve Mono, qui lui-même constitue en […]